A bad roof is nothing to take lightly. Make sure your roof is in tip top condition for severe Florida weather.

Homeowners in Florida have been exposed to some of the most violent weather seen throughout the country. We have Hurricanes and Tropical storms hitting part or all of our state every year bringing high winds, and heavy rains, and of course our amazing Sun.

At TRUGrit Roofing and Construction our mission is to provide both existing and prospective clients with quality materials and superior service that they deserve. Our service is what our company is founded on.

If you have leaks in your ceiling, cracked or broken shingles or water in your attic, we can help. If your home doesn’t seem to be suffering from any leaks or visible wood rot, an expert should still check out an older roof for signs of the need for a roof replacement.

As a homeowner, considering a roof replacement before any damage occurs can seem like quite an investment, but it will save you money in the long run.

For a free roof inspection on repairing roofs in Florida, contact TRUGrit Roofing today. We are the experts that will provide you with impeccable service and quality materials on commercial and residential roofing repairs.

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Shona Jones



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Chris Johnson



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Lisa Davis